Monday, May 12, 2014

Another week

We have had another week working on the farm.  So many projects I can't even count.

Tom and his friend Tom went to Idaho and retrieved our truck with all of our belongings in it.  They drove it here in 54 hours.  I think they both thought they were 25 again.  Great to have our stuff back but we had water damage again in the truck.  Thought we fixed the crack but apparently we did not.  Lots of items got soaked.  On top of that we had rain the last two days and all the items we had in boxes we put in the barn for unpacking.  Well we set them on the floor on top of some plywood, not a great plan.  A river of water ran through the barn with the downpours we had.  The bottom boxes had 3 inches of water soaking them.  Very disappointing.  Something else that needs to be addressed.

Tom and Tom making me nesting boxes for the baby chicks. 

Baby chicks... Australorps and Barred Rocks.  These babies will lay brown colored eggs. 


My wonderful friend from Texas sent me these Turkey eggs.  Hope a couple hatch !!  They are in a incubator now.  I turn them daily like a good mother hen.


This is the second story to the bee colony.  Now the bees have an upstairs to get away from the 
queen if they so choose.  I put a queen restricter in.  This way they go up and make their honey and the queen does her thing on bottom floor.


I have more photos to post but first I have to go check on chicks and eggs.  More to come....