Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cow Pies!!!

Our little darlings have found Cow Pies.  It seems this is a quite a treat for our 2 little girls.  While walking them around the property where we are staying they came upon a rather fresh Cow Pie.  Still a little steamy and quite odoriferous.  I thought they would walk right by it, but NOOOO....

Coffee began licking it like chocolate pudding.  Being completely grossed out I told her to stop which, like a good girl, she did.  I walked by enjoying our little walk when I realized Sam was not in front of me.   She's usually in the trees looking and sniffing.  I stopped and looked around but can't find her.  I turn around and behind me I find her. Her face smashed into the cow pie like a kid in pie eating contest.  She is just going crazy over this SH**.  In my complete amazement I was speechless for a bit.  Then I told her in stern voice to "Leave It"  She turned around like a kid caught with their face in cow pie and flung what was outside her mouth on the ground.  She then came bounding at me cow poop squeezed between her teeth and cheeks happy as any dog could be.   So proud of herself and the discovery of this wonderful treat.  

She came up and sat down right in front front of me like to say "That was awesome"...."What did I do?"  I was laughing and disgusted all at the same time.  I told her to keep walking and we proceeded with our walk.  They got a little ahead of me and as I came around the trees I find them both now with their heads in another pile.  This time a big almost frozen one.  I think they thought they had chocolate ice cream.  At least that's what I hope they thought.  They both were devouring it.  I  told them to leave it.  Which they ignored for moment to get the last few bites and licks in.  Figuring I was far enough away they could get some more.  They got the message after I scolded them with a stern voice.  Now I am completely grossed out and want to give them both Listerine when we get back to the coach. 

Now they know about these little piles of Happiness and have set out to find them when we walk.  I don't think they know the Steer is the maker of them or they would just follow him around all day to get the freshest morsels.  

Tom laughs, I cringe when it happens.  These two won't be kissing my face any time soon.  Unless I brush their teeth....

They look so innocent !!!!  

1 comment:

  1. This brings me back to the good ol days when I was a boyscout doing 'toss the cowpie' competitions at the fair....
    Good times for sure. BTW - I hope your babies don't find the special mushrooms!?!
